Wondering how to stop inflammation? I'm glad you are, especially with one third of the Western world suffering from inflammatory conditions.
The biggest problem I have with this statistic is that it could be avoided. There are methods of preventing and easing inflammatory problems because we don't need to accept conditions like asthma, arthritis, gout and eczema as a way of life.
But the knowledge of how to stop inflammation hasn't been publicises enough in my opinion. In the end, it all comes down to what we eat -- as with most things.
The root cause of inflammatory conditions is an imbalance between the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio in our diets. The foods we eat tend to contain more omega 6 than omega 3.
This is generally good because we do need more omega 6 in our diet. However, it's unhealthy when we have 20 or 30 more times the omega 6 than omega 3.
You see, omega 6 is the inflammatory regulator in our body; omega 3 acts as the anti-inflammatory. The balance between the two is crucial to avoiding inflammatory conditions.
But imbalanced ratios like this do not help us do this. They increase the inflammation in our body and result in heart conditions, asthma, arthritis and eczema.
Maintaining the omega 6 to omega 3 inflammation ratio
To balance this ratio out we need more omega 3 in our diet. Fish are the richest source of omega 3 so you may feel this is the best source.
However, they come from polluted waters and therefore may contain harmful contaminants. That's why fish supplements (which can be purified by molecular distillation) are better.
They are safe and will be more effective.
That's why using an omega 3 fish supplement is vital if you want to know how to stop inflammation. Your next step? Perhaps do further research to explore omega 3 supplements, their benefits and what are the best oils.
You could do this by looking at fish oil reviews, for example.